한국 Cobolt laser 독점 대리점, THORLABS, Edmund Optics 대리점

레이저 광학 연구, 산업 분야 Total Solution
(주)비엠레이저솔루션은 다양한 분야의 전문가, 연구소, 학교, 회사들과
기술적 교류를 통하여 레이저 및 부품, 장비, 등을
최첨단 연구분야 및 반도체, 디스플레이, 의료분야에 공급하는
레이저 광학 연구 및 산업 분야의 Total Solution 업체입니다.
Single Longitudinal DPSS CW Laser
Cobolt 04-01 Series Fiber pigtail option Samba 532nm out of fiber Max 150mW SM/PM fiber used
문의하기 → 상품 상세 정보 : Cobolt 04-01 Series [...]
광학부품 Opto-mechanical
Thorlabs 0.8 mW Self-Contained (632.8 nm) HeNe Lasers
-Self-Contained Laser with 120 VAC, 230 VAC, or 100 VAC [...]
Thorlabs 21 mW – 22.5 mW Red (632.8 nm) HeNe Lasers
-21.0 mW or 22.5 mW Red (632.8 nm) Output with [...]
Thorlabs 15 mW Red (632.8 nm) HeNe Lasers
-15.0 mW Red (632.8 nm) Output -Linear (500:1 Polarization Ratio) [...]
Thorlabs 10 mW Red (632.8 nm) HeNe Lasers
-10.0 mW Red (632.8 nm) Output -Linear (500:1 Polarization Ratio) [...]
10LBS – Laser Beam Steering
- Laser Beam Steering - Precise azimuth control - Precise [...]
Acousto-Optic Q-Switches Air cooled and Water cooled
Acousto-Optic Q-Switches Air cooled and Water cooledAA propose a complete line [...]
Acousto-Optic Fiber Pigtailed Modulators, Shifters, Pulse Pickers, Q-switches
Acousto-Optic Fiber Pigtailed Modulators, Shifters, Pulse Pickers, Q-switchesThese fiber pigtailed devices [...]
RF Power amplifiers
RF Power amplifiersAA’s acousto-optic amplifiers are linear with largebandwidth and medium power. [...]
레이저 Laser
Pulsed Nd:YAG Lasers Model LQ529B 1064nm 350mJ / 532nm 190mJ / 355nm 100mJ / 266nm 60mJ / 213nm 18mJ
FEATURES:-High PRR-High pulse energy up to 0.5 J-Excellent beam quality-All [...]
Pulsed Nd:YAG Lasers Model LQ529A 1064nm 500mJ / 532nm 280mJ / 355nm 130mJ / 266nm 85mJ / 213nm 25mJ
FEATURES:-High PRR-High pulse energy up to 0.5 J-Excellent beam quality-All [...]
- Option TEC-Plate Temperature controlled mounting plate Temperature 20-50 °C (can be kept constant) The TEC-plate is suitable for Cobolt 04-01,05-01 and 06-01 Series Gallery
Option TEC-Plate Temperature controlled mounting plate Temperature 20-50 °C (can be kept constant) The TEC-plate is suitable for Cobolt 04-01,05-01 and 06-01 Series
Option TEC-Plate Temperature controlled mounting plate Temperature 20-50 °C (can be kept constant) The TEC-plate is suitable for Cobolt 04-01,05-01 and 06-01 Series
문의하기 → 상품 상세 정보 : Option TEC-Plate Temperature [...]
Option HS04 Heat sink with fans for Cobolt 05-01 Series and Q-switched lasers Thermal resistance < 0.25 K/W
문의하기 → 상품 상세 정보 : Option HS04 Heat [...]
Option HS03 Heat Sink for Cobolt 04-01 , 06-01 and 08-01 Series lasers Thermal resistance < 0.85 K/W
문의하기 → 상품 상세 정보 : Option HS03 Heat [...]
- Option FIC-06 Mounting plate for laser-to-fiber coupling with beam access FIC-06 is suitable for use Cobolt 08-DPL532nm, 08-DPL561nm and 08-NLD785nm Gallery
Option FIC-06 Mounting plate for laser-to-fiber coupling with beam access FIC-06 is suitable for use Cobolt 08-DPL532nm, 08-DPL561nm and 08-NLD785nm
Option FIC-06 Mounting plate for laser-to-fiber coupling with beam access FIC-06 is suitable for use Cobolt 08-DPL532nm, 08-DPL561nm and 08-NLD785nm
문의하기 → 상품 상세 정보 : Option FIC-06 Mounting [...]
- Option FIC-05 Mounting plate for laser-to-fiber coupling with beam access FIC-05 is suitable for use Cobolt 06-01Series and Cobolt Modulated DPSS lasers Gallery
Option FIC-05 Mounting plate for laser-to-fiber coupling with beam access FIC-05 is suitable for use Cobolt 06-01Series and Cobolt Modulated DPSS lasers
Option FIC-05 Mounting plate for laser-to-fiber coupling with beam access FIC-05 is suitable for use Cobolt 06-01Series and Cobolt Modulated DPSS lasers
문의하기 → 상품 상세 정보 : Option FIC-05 Mounting [...]
- Option FIC-04 Mounting plate for laser-to-fiber coupling with beam access FIC-04 is suitable for use Cobolt 04-01, 05-01Series and Cobolt Modulated DPSS lasers Gallery
Option FIC-04 Mounting plate for laser-to-fiber coupling with beam access FIC-04 is suitable for use Cobolt 04-01, 05-01Series and Cobolt Modulated DPSS lasers
Option FIC-04 Mounting plate for laser-to-fiber coupling with beam access FIC-04 is suitable for use Cobolt 04-01, 05-01Series and Cobolt Modulated DPSS lasers
문의하기 → 상품 상세 정보 : Option FIC-04 Mounting [...]
옵틱스 Optics
piShaper 12_12 Telescope of Galilean type
Applications:- Free Electron Lasers- Fluorescence Technologies- Flying Plate Technique- Display [...]
Neutral density (ND) Filter
문의하기 → 상품 상세 정보 : Neutral density (ND) [...]
Metal Coated Mirror
문의하기 → 상품 상세 정보 : Metal Coated MirrorMirrors [...]
IR Cut Filter
문의하기 → 상품 상세 정보 : IR Cut FilterFilters
측정기 Detectors
Thorlabs- S140C, S142C, S142CL, S144C, S145C, S145CL, S146C, S148C, S180C Integrating Sphere Photodiode Power Sensors
Thorlabs- S140C, S142C, S142CL, S144C, S145C, S145CL, S146C, S148C, S180C [...]
Thorlabs – S401C, S405C High Resolution
Thorlabs - S401C, S405C High Resolution High Resolution of [...]
Thorlabs – S370C, S470C High Max Power Density for Pulsed Lasers
Thorlabs - S370C, S470C High Max Power Density for Pulsed [...]
Thorlabs – S350C, S425C-L, S322C Max Power: 40 W to 200 W
Thorlabs - S350C, S425C-L, S322C Max Power: 40 W to [...]
Cobolt lasers는 DPSS Single Frequency laser로 매우 우수한 빔 품질을 가지고 있습니다. Cobolt lasers는 Holography, Raman Spectroscopy, Fluorescence Microscopy, Optical tweezers. 최적화 된 laser 입니다. Cobolt laser는 국내 Holography 실험에 최적화된 제품으로 인정을 받아 대학교 및 연구소에서 가장 많이 사용 되는 Laser입니다.
Azurlight Systems laser는 Fiber 기반 laser로 Single Frequency High Power laser 입니다. Azurlight Systems의 Fiber Laser는 ATOMIC & MOLECULAR PHYSICS에 최적화 된 제품으로 한국표준과학연구원, 기초과학연구원, KAIST, 고려대학교, 포항공과대학교에서 사용하고 있습니다.
Thorlabs 제품은 광학실험에 필요한 3만여가지 제품을 판매하는 회사로
Thorlabs 제품으로 모든 광학실험이 가능합니다.
Thorlabs는 본사에 재고 보유로 빠른 배송과 쉬운 검색으로 광학 실험에 쉽고 빠르게 사용 가능합니다.
Edmund Optics 제품은 Edmund Optics에서 자체 생산하여 광학 실험에 필요한 Optics 와 vision imaging lens를 우수한 품질의 제품을 공급합니다. Edmund Optics 제품은 본사에 재고 보유로 빠른 배송와 쉬운 검색으로 광학 실험에 쉽고 빠르게 사용 가능합니다.
고객과의 소통으로 맞춤형 고객지원
고객에게 필요한 최고의 장비 제공하겠습니다.
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