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piShaper 37_34 _1064 Collimator, without internal focus

옵틱스 Optics, ADL OPOTICA, Laser Beam Shaper, 광학악세사리 accessory|

Applications:- Welding - Cladding- Brazing - Annealing- Hardening - Display Making Technologies- Technologies where uniform intensity [...]

foXXus 3.5-11.1_F200 Objective lens with multiple foci

옵틱스 Optics, ADL OPOTICA, Laser Beam Shaper, 광학악세사리 accessory|

Applications:-Welding-CuttingFeatures:- High transmission- Lossless energy distribution  in multiple foci- Variable distances between foci- [...]

Dual Focus lens with common focal plane for high‐power lasers 127/254_25_1070

옵틱스 Optics, ADL OPOTICA, Laser Beam Shaper, 광학악세사리 accessory|

Industrial laser applications:- Cutting- Welding- Cladding- Micromachining  문의하기 → 상품 상세 정보 : [...]

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