Optogenetics and electrophysiology are combined in this system to allow recordings of synaptic events at a single-cell resolution in a head-fixed configuration.
→ 상품 상세 정보 : Single-cell Optogenetic Illumination and Electrophysiology Recording System
Optogenetics and electrophysiology are combined in this system to allow recordings of synaptic events at a single-cell resolution in a head-fixed configuration. It is designed to activate optogenetic proteins such as channelrhodopsine or to inhibit light-gated ion pumps like halorhodopsin. By adjusting the illumination output power, it is possible to illuminate a single cell or a group of neurons. Extracellular electrophysiology is possible by filling the fiber probe hollow core with an electrolyte solution to get an electrode impedance in the range of 1 to 20 M, allowing a single-unit or multiunit spikes detection.
This system includes specifically:
– Connectorized LED (1x or 2x)
– LED Driver
– Single-cell Opto-electric Probe Holder
– Clamp for Single-cell Opto-electric Probe Holder
– Single-cell Opto-electric Probe Adapter
– Single-cell Opto-electric Probe Interconnect Wire (5x)
– Single-cell Opto-electric Probe Tips (20x)
– Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording System (under development)
– All electrical cables