Miniature Laser Diode Modules
Laser Head Size 30 x 31 x 33 mm, Controller Size 70 x 75 x 24 mm
Wavelength Accuracy +/- 10 nm(1)
Line width < 1 nm
Single Mode/Polarization Maintaning/Multi Mode Fiber Coupling
Expected Lifetime: 10,000 hours limited by laser diode lifetime
Operating temperature range +10° to +40°
Storage temperature range -10° to +50°
Optical output power stability <1% rms
Power Consumption < 10 W
Warm up time <5 min
→ 상품 상세 정보 : Miniature Laser Diode Modules
Fiber Coupled/Free Space Laser Diode Modules
Laser Diode Modules Parameters(Customer Specified Output Power)
Customized Configurations
Beam Focusing
Fiber Pigtail
Constant Power