→ 상품 상세 정보 : SAMLight Software
User Interface
-runs under Windows 10, 8, 7 (32 + 64 bit), Vista , XP
-English, French, German and Chinese versions available. Other languages can be added with an integrated resource editor
-password protected user levels
Job Editor
-fast rendering of graphical data
-transformation of data with mouse and keyboard input
-comfortable alignment and spacing functions
-property page concept for fast adjustment of pens, hatch parameters etc.
-transformation of point items
-entity list for defining the mark order
-supports different scanner controller cards
-variable adjustment of laser and scanner parameters
-scanner movement preview
-filling of 2D polygon lines and layer structures with various styles
-beam compensation of closed polygon lines during hatching
-generation of markable scanner bitmaps
-dithered and grey scale marking
File Formats
-SJF (SCAPS Job Format) with fast preview capabilities
-many bitmap and vector import and export formats (bmp, plt, dxf, ai, svg, …)
-generation of different 1D and 2D barcodes like 3of9, EAN, EAN-128, Code-128, UPC-A, Data Matrix, …
-extended Data Matrix ECC 200 access mode
-Data Matrix dot generation
-linear and radial text
-Windows True Type fonts
-serial numbers
-customizable date/time objects
-laser fonts
-font editor for defining customized laser fonts