Fluorescence Mini Cube with 4 ports – Lock-in or Sequential Detection of Autofluorescence and Fluorophore Excitation
Ordering code FMC4_AE(405)_E(460-490)_F(500-550)_SThis version of the FMC4 allows for locked-in or sequential detection of [...]
Ordering code FMC4_AE(405)_E(460-490)_F(500-550)_SThis version of the FMC4 allows for locked-in or sequential detection of [...]
Ordering code FMC4_E(460-490)_F(500-550)_O(580-650)_SThis version of the FMC4 allows for one fluorophore excitation and detection, [...]
Ordering code FMC3_E(460-490)_F(500-550)The single excitation band fiber photometry measurements use Connectorized Fluorescence Mini Cube [...]
Ordering code FWCThe USB charger is a device that can recharge the headstage battery [...]
Ordering code FPCThis FPGA based data acquisition unit synchronizes the output control and the [...]
Ordering code FWBSThe Electrophysiology Console is a FPGA based component that control bilateral wireless communication between [...]
Ordering code FPS_SCTC_GFP/RFP_2_400/430-0.48This Single-channel Two-color Fiber Photometry System contains all the items necessary to [...]
Ordering code FiWi_HS-OEThe Fiberless and Wireless Headstage records electrophysiological data form brain electrodes, controls [...]
Ordering code FPS_SCTC_405/GFP_2_400/430-0.48This Single-channel Two-color Fiber Photometry System measures the 405 nm (isosbestic point) [...]
Ordering code PR_5This Fiber Photometry Rack allows for a convenient disposition of all the photometry system [...]
The new e-focus miniature fluorescence microscope is the next step in miniature deep [...]
Ordering code PS_PMTThis Power Supply unit can drive photomultiplier tube modules. Both drive voltages [...]
To get PMT ready cube, replace the Fluorescence Mini Cube port code (F, F1 or F2) by PMT, [...]
Ordering code FiWiS_OETethering lab animals with fibers and wires compromises their ”freely-moving” status for [...]